Link building strategies

This infographic made by Semrush, offers us solutions that are in line with the creation of our tool (the lost link recovery):

  • broken backlinks,
  • mentions without links,
  • reproduce the backlinks of a competitor

For the first 2 strategies, they can make you gain links that you thought you had acquired, but it is a work of ant to make in order to check each page of results of engines. It is necessary to click in the page, then search in the site (CTRL+F it can be useful). The rest to do, if the site is still alive, will be to contact the owner to retouch the false url. And here is 1 link to recover for your popularity and why not traffic.

According to a study by Ahrefs, you should know that at least 66.5% of links to sites in the last 9 years are dead. 6% of links are lost because of redirected pages!

Focus on 3 strategies

Broken backlinks

Over time, your site has evolved, changes of url (.com to .fr), https or even the domain. Certainly the technique of redirection in 301 works, but is not ideal to make the juice fully.

You have also done guest blogging or article purchase, is your link still in place? All of this takes time to check!

Mentions without links

The most difficult to find unless you do page to page with a Google Dork, my brand or my product are mentioned in the text but no url that points to my site. Or a syntax or spelling mistake in the url that were made when creating the article on the subject of your site.

Reproduce the backlinks of a competitor

This known technique allows you to go faster to find spots to put your links with your active or closed competitor. Also think about the competitors who have closed.

How to recover your inactive links ?

As you can see these 3 techniques require time to do it, we have solved the solution with our tool, which allows you with just the name of your brand and your site, to be able to already treat a good part of your problem.

Once the analysis is done in our tool, we put 2 examples of email to send to correct the links.

An example of email to the owner to make the link broken or without mention

“Hello, I found this article written by you and I saw it branded without a link, or my link is no longer correct. Do you think it is possible to correct my link or links on your site?”

An example of an email to the owner of a competitor’s site that has closed

“Hi I noticed that your article has a broken link on “your topic” and my site has good content on it! Please feel free to replace it with my link https://. “